Wednesday, July 16, 2014

NYSPEP Community Cafe Orientations for Parent Leaders and Community Partners

A Cafe is a community conversation hosted by parents and community partners such as service programs, early care and learning settings, schools, faith-based organizations, community-action agencies, and social service systems. Families are strengthened through supportive relationships that are sparked and developed by Cafe conversations.

Register to attend a one-day orientation to learn how you can host a Community Cafe and become a Parent Leader. Scholarships are available for Community Teams to attend. Forms are due August 1, 2014.

To learn more about Community Cafes and access a PDF version of the introductory flyer appearing below, please visit

For more information about the orientations and to request the forms, please email Susan Perkins at:

Orientations are scheduled for Monday, September 15, 2014 in Auburn, NY and Tuesday, September 16, 2014 downstate near NYC. Please email Susan Perkins at for more information and registration forms.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

NYSPEP eNews - July Edition

 The New York State Parenting Education Partnership (NYSPEP) eNews is published bi-weekly with the exception of monthly editions in July and December. Please share with friends and colleagues. Visit our website at and click "Join NYSPEP" to sign up for the NYSPEP eNews.
To announce an event or resource, send details to Please include your name and phone number, in case we have questions.

NYSPEP NEWS: NYSPEP Office - Vacation Notice
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: NYSPEP Parenting Educator Credential - All Credential Applicants - Important Credential Announcement; NYSPEP Strong Roots 2014 - Save The Dates; NYSPEP Community Cafes - Parent Leader & Community Partner Orientations; DYCD Symposium - From Poverty To Opportunity; IMHA Literature Circle - Development of Regulatory Functions
RESOURCES: University of Albany's CARD and NYS OPDD - Free Parent Education Classes



July 17, 2014 - August 1, 2014

The NYSPEP Coordinator is scheduled for vacation July 17th—August 1st. The Executive Director of Prevent Child Abuse New York, where NYSPEP's Office is located, is also scheduled for vacation.
Please direct all Parenting Educator Credential inquiries via email to: A member of the Credential Workgroup will respond.
All other NYSPEP inquiries, please email: Messages will be returned the week of August 4th.
If your matter is time-sensitive, please email Susan Perkins, NYSPEP Executive Committee Co-chair, at

NYSPEP Parenting Educator Credential

Important Announcement To All Credential Applicants

The next submission cycle is August 1st—31st. If you received an application packet prior to January 2014, please email to ensure your application materials are up-to-date.
2014 application fees have replaced the Pilot phase discount and are as follows: Tier I - $150, Tier II - $300, Tier III - $425, and Tier IV - $500. There are no scholarships available at this time. Applicants are encouraged to seek assistance through their employer, community- or faith-based organizations, or online fundraising platforms.
The Credential Workgroup will soon announce a new Credential Coordinator to replace Wyn Frechette, who recently retired. If you do not receive new information on where to submit your application by August 1st, please email for instructions.
Please direct all Credential inquiries to:

NYSPEP Strong Roots Last a Lifetime Training Institutes

Save The Dates! - FALL 2014 Trainings

This year, we're offering four trainings on Vicarious Trauma and one training on Early Literacy in all new locations. Please note: there are two Strong Roots navigation buttons—labeled Vicarious Trauma and Early Literacy—at Registration links will be posted on the corresponding registration pages and Calendar in August. An announcement will also appear in the next NYSPEP eNews slated for early August. Please mark your calendars for the following dates and all new locations:
Vicarious Trauma Series
  • Monday, September 15, 2014 - Fulton, NY
  • Thursday, October 16, 2014 - Binghamton, NY
  • Monday, October 27, 2014 - Lake Placid, NY
  • Monday, November 17, 2014 - White Plains, NY
Early Literacy Series
  • Thursday, November 6, 2014 - Rochester, NY
For information and online registration, please stay tuned for our next eNews edition.

NYSPEP Community Cafés

Café Orientations for Parent Leaders & Community Partners

OPTION 1: Monday, September 15, 2014 • TBD, Auburn, NY

OPTION 2: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 • TBD, Downstate / near NYC

A Café is a community conversation hosted by parents and community partners such as schools, social service systems, faith-based organizations, community-action agencies, service programs, and early care and learning settings. Families are strengthened through supportive relationships that are sparked and developed by Café conversations. Register to attend a one-day orientation to learn how you can host a Community Café and become a Parent Leader. Scholarships are available for Community Teams to attend. Forms are due August 1, 2014.
To learn more about Community Cafés and access the intro orientation flyer, please CLICK HERE.
For more information and to request the forms, please email

Department of Youth and Community Development - Symposium

From Poverty To Opportunity

Tuesday, August 12, 2014 • 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

New York Law School • New York, NY

Human service professionals, members of faith- and community-based organizations, social workers, and anyone who is interested are invited to attend this free symposium. Anti-poverty strategies, programs, and services will be featured along with workshops and resource opportunities. Topics include: Promoting Healthy Behaviors Through Fatherhood Programs, Engaging Immigrant Parents in School Retention, and Retaining & Engaging High School Youth in Afterschool Programs. Seating is limited. Pre-registration is required.
For more information and to register, please CLICK HERE.

Infant Mental Health Association of New York's Greater Capital Region

Development of Regulatory Functions

Wednesday, July 30, 2014 • 4:00 - 5:30 PM

Capital District Child Care Council • Menands, NY

Participants are asked to preread The Development of Regulatory Functions From Birth to 5 Years: Insights From Premature Infants. Feldman, Ruth (2009). Child Development, 8(2) 544-561. Then, come ready to discuss and listen to ideas sparked by the article. Please feel free to bring supporting information and materials to share with others.
For more information, assistance in obtaining the article, and to register, please email Sarah Gould-Houde at or call (518) 426-7181 ext. 345.

University of Albany - Center for Autism and Related Disabilities

Free Parent Education Classes

University of Albany's Center for Autism and Related Disabilities, in collaboration with the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, offers parents of young children, ages 1-5 and newly diagnosed with autism, five free parent education classes. Parents who complete the program will receive up to $45 worth of autism resource books.
For more information and to register, please CLICK HERE.