Thursday, March 17, 2016

NYSPEP Member Spotlight: NYSPEP Members on the NPEN Council

NYSPEP Members (left to right): Meg Akabas, Wales Brown, and Judy Wolf 

The New York State Parenting Education Partnership (NYSPEP) is proud to be an Organization Member of the National Parenting Education Network (NPEN). Like NYSPEP, NPEN is committed to advancing the field of parenting education so that all parents will have the information, resources, and support needed to provide a nurturing relationship and optimal environment that will encourage their children's healthy growth and development.  

NYSPEP is pleased to announce: three NYSPEP Steering Committee members are also seated on the NPEN Council. 

At NPEN's recent annual meeting in New Orleans, Council member Meg Akabas, a Tier II NYSPEP Credentialed Parenting Educator (NYSPEP-CPE), was confirmed as Chair-Elect. For the next two years, Meg will function as a vice-chair. In 2018, Meg's role will transition to NPEN Council Chair for an additional two years. 

Wales Brown, a Tier III NYSPEP Credentialed Senior Parenting Educator (NYSPEP-CSPE), was newly nominated to the NPEN Council and elected to the Secretary position. Wales is also a Fellow with Zero To Three

Judy Wolf, recently retired from the Family Development Program at Cornell Cooperative Extension - Tioga County, will serve her final year on NPEN's Council. Within NYSPEP, Judy serves as Co-Chair for NYSPEP's Credential Workgroup, which developed and administers the NYSPEP Parenting Educator Credential

NYSPEP warmly congratulates Meg, Wales, and Judy on their commitments and contributions to advancing the field of parenting education for the benefit of all children and their families!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

NYSPEP Member Spotlight: Abbe Lynne Hahn Hook

Abbe Lynne Hahn Hook

Abbe Lynne Hahn Hook, Director of Programs and Services at The Early Care & Learning Council (ECLC), serves on NYSPEP’s Steering Committee, Professional Development Workgroup, and Communications Workgroup.

Abbe joined the Early Care & Learning Council in 2000 as a trainer. Currently, she is chiefly responsible for managing and overseeing all activities related to the delivery of training, technical assistance, and data collection by ECLC staff for Child Care Resource and Referral agencies and child care center directors in New York State. In the development and implementation of ECLC membership services and benefits, she is assisted by the ECLC coordinator.

Abbe holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology with a concentration in Management and a Master's degree in Early Childhood Education. Abbe is also a Fully Certified PITC Trainer through the Program for Infant/Toddler Care in California and holds a Level 3 New York State Early Learning Trainer Credential.

NYSPEP Member Spotlight: Britt Myrhol-Clarke

Britt Myrhol-Clarke

Britt Myrhol-Clarke is an Early Childhood Prevention and Intervention Program Specialist with the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH). Since the release of The Children’s Plan in 2008, OMH has taken steps to build systems to support the social-emotional wellness of children under age 5; and Britt has helped to develop the cross-system collaboration and public policies to support our youngest citizens.

Annually, Britt helps to coordinate New York State’s “What’s Great in Our State: A Celebration of Children’s Mental Health Awareness” event honoring programs, people and services throughout New York state.  

In addition to sitting on the Executive Committee for NYSPEP, Britt participates on: New York City Early Childhood Strategic Workgroup; NYS Pyramid Model Leadership Team; Early Childhood Advisory Committee Promoting Healthy Development and Strong Families workgroups.

Britt is a certified Circle of Security trainer and Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect educator. She lives and breathes early childhood and parenting- as a mother of three young girls who are 2, 3 and 4 years old.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

2nd Annual New York Fathering Conference - Taking Care of Business: Equipping Dads for Parenting, Employment and Wellness

2nd Annual New York Fathering Conference  
Taking Care of Business, Equipping Dads 
for Parenting, Employment and Wellness 
Tuesday April 5, 2016  ▪  9:30 am - 4:30 pm  
Westchester County Center  ▪  White Plains, NY

This conference features 21 all-new workshops presented by some of the most accomplished professionals in the fields of family strengthening, parenting, workforce development and health. Continental breakfast and boxed lunch is included with registration.

The New York Fathering Conference is presented by a coalition of government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and other individuals that work directly with fathers and families.

  • Kenneth Braswell, Executive Director, Fathers, Inc. 
  • Dr. Ron Mincy, Columbia University


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