Tuesday, December 4, 2012

National Baby Facts: Infants, Toddlers, and their Families in the United States

Statistics demonstrate the need for NYSPEP's ongoing and evolving work to support parents in raising their children. NYSPEP achieves this through various initiatives including the development of a New Parent Kit, providing informative webinars, and facilitating Community Cafes. NYSPEP also standardizes excellence for parenting educators through the NYSPEP Parenting Educator Credential and Strong Roots Last A Lifetime trainings.

ZERO TO THREE has issued a FREE and Downloadable publication with valuable facts and other information about babies and their families. It describes many of the issues that babies around the country are facing today and illustrates what it takes to raise a healthy child in a safe and nurturing environment. This resource serves as a tool for parents and parenting professionals.

To obtain this resource, click here to download the file.

1 comment:

  1. Now this one sounds good! I hope this would be so effective!
