If the students who dropped out of the Class of 2011 had graduated, our economy would likely have benefitted from nearly $154 billion in additional income over the course of their lifetimes, according to the Alliance For Excellent Education. A February 25, 2013 headline in the New York Post reads, "High School dropouts cost $1.8 billion every year".
NYSPEP knows your work with families is so important. You can help close the gap! Parenting Educators, along with managers, directors, coordinators, staff, and specialists in Home Visiting, Childcare, Early Education, Head Start, Early Care & Learning, Infant & Toddler Programs, Parent-Child Home Program, Family or Social Work, Reading or Literacy Programs, Child Care Resource & Referral Networks, and anyone who supports families with children are invited to attend. Connect with peers in other organizations. Get educated on the latest research. Learn how to help parents obtain the early literacy skills, tools, and resources they need to raise children who are ready for school and life.
Planting the Seeds for Early Literacy
Latest Research & Strategies for Professionals Working with Parents
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 • 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Carondelet Hospitality Center • 385 Watervliet-Shaker Road (Rte. 155) • Latham, NY
Just $35 Per Person!
Poster sessions accompany a buffet lunch
Panel discussion on statewide community resources
Afternoon workshop on literacy strategies with parents
Keynote Presentation
KEYNOTE: Digging Deeper; Sowing for Success. Mary Haust, Parents as Teachers. Parents play a critical role in determining whether or not children will experience inequality at the start, according to research. Parenting educators also play an important role in helping parents support language acquisition and early literacy. Learn what the research reveals about the inequality of language acquisition, how parents can bridge that gap, and how this research can influence parenting education practice. Participants will break into small groups to discuss challenges and solutions to engaging parents in literacy-based practices with their children.Choose ONE Workshop
WORKSHOP AGES 0-3: The Seeds of Literacy Are Sown in Very Fertile Soil! Sarah Hughes, RMC Research, Inc. and Mary Haust, Parents as Teachers. Create pathways for learning using the NYS Early Learning Guidelines and NYS Pre-K Foundation for the Common Core. How can parents support these pathways at specific points in development? How can professionals support parents in their role of preparing a strong foundation for literacy? Attend and find out!WORKSHOP AGES 3-5: Leveling the Playing Field: Infusing Rich Language into the Home Environment - Preparing Children to Begin School Ready to Learn & Thrive. Elizabeth Spiro, The Guidance Center of Westchester. An engaging conversation will follow a review of the current research on literacy acquisition. Partipate in modeling best practice techniques. Discover how to support parents in preparing children for school-readiness. This is an interactive workshop!
Network & Get Connected
Showcase your success with parents in promoting language acquisiton and early literacy skills with their children. Plan to describe your activity in 3 minutes or less and provide handouts. You may bring a standard tri-fold display board (approximately 36" x 48"). Attendees can view your table during meals and breaks throughout the day.If you're not ready to present a poster session, you can still provide information about your work or organization as it relates to early literacy. Please, bring one item, such as a brochure, flyer, or business card for the Take-One-Table.
Please RSVP during registration. Space for the Poster Sessions and Take-One-Table will be provided on a first-come basis for those who RSVP. Questions? Please call the NYSPEP Coordinator at 518-445-1273.